• 🇵🇫️ Hiva Oa

    We arrived in Atuona on the next island Hiva Oa in the morning after a slow but very pleasant night sail.

    Busy! Some 30 yachts and the supply+cruise ship Aranui 5 in port, so we anchored outside. The Aranui 5 departs in Tahiti and you can get a ticket: only 1100 euro for a ten day trip around all the islands. Fun uh!

  • 🇵🇫️ Land, we see LAND! Welcome to Fatu Hiva!

    What a pity this beautifull passage has come to an end, we LOVE being at sea! But now we are at anchor in baie Omoa on Fatu Hiva, one of the Marquesas islands in French Polynesia!

    Crossed 4 timezones while sailing 4005 nautical miles over the Pacific ocean in 28 days from Panama, an average speed of 6 knots. Fastest sail in a 24 hour period was 180 nm, an average speed of 7.5 knots. And the slowest sail: 84 nm in 24 hours and that is 3.5 knots average.

  • 🇵🇫️ Sailing to the Marquesas

    This will be our longest passage so far, in distance, not in time. Here is a picture of the route and the winds and currents we can expect on the way. No stopping for us at the Galapagos islands, too expensive and complicated procedures. We sail direct to Atuona on Hiva Oa, one of the Maquesas islands in French Polynesia, some 4000 nautical miles to the west.