The sun was rising at 6:15 as we sailed with the wind behind us nicely out of the Bay of Islands New Zealand. Leaving in a rush with the only weather window we could see before my flight in 10 days time. The passage looked a bit challenging with the last two hours of tacking in 25 knots gusting 35….

to reach Smugglers Cove just outside Marsden and we did not know how much shelter it would provide at anchor.

 🇳🇿️ Back in Marsden and Whangarei  images/2025/mars/whang.jpg
a grey Whangaumu bay appears as we sail by
 🇳🇿️ Back in Marsden and Whangarei  images/2025/mars/sm.jpg
arrived in Smugglers bay at Whangarei Heads
 🇳🇿️ Back in Marsden and Whangarei  images/2025/mars/sm1.jpg
the same bay at sunset
But good to see the sun rise for a change too. We have been sleeping late recently. a picture to come here. The sun rose on us well rested in Smugglers Cove, a nice place I think you’ll agree. Motoring in the morning to a spot outside Marsden Marina was easy on the flat water of dawn.
 🇳🇿️ Back in Marsden and Whangarei  images/2025/mars/insp.jpg
one morning, at anchor in front of Marsden marina, divers from a little 'research' boat inspected our hull
We love our life. Excited to meet up with friends Don and Julie in the Marina.