This journey of 15.000 nautical miles around Africa started on September 20, 2018 in Tanga Tanzania. It has now ended with the wonderfull family gathering in Israel and an impressive 4 day tour through Jordan. Also there is no more sea to go more east, so lets go west again!

The estimated maximum for this passage from Israel to Tunisia is 21 days at sea. Time to leave Herzliyya on June 3 for our destination port Tunis. The first part of the voyage there are good winds. At the longitude of Port Said giant gas/oil platforms become visisble which are not marked on any chart. A Dutch flagged vessel asks us to stay away from the platforms for at least 10 nautical miles.

In five days already close to Crete, good progress. But then the wind turns = tacking past Crete for 3 more days. The approach to Malta is slow as we drift more back than we progress.

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Every time the highlight of the day: today Lipizaner balls, made of a gorgeous bean mix
After 3 days I run out of patience and switch the iron horse on to pass Malta.
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A little breeze while motorsailing through the big ship anchorage near Malta
The Maltese coastguard checks our papers which handed over at sea in a basket;-). Then on to the west direction Pantelleria, Italy. The last stretch to Kelibia Tunisia the wind picks up, finally proper sailing again and after 19 days at sea, direct from Herzliyya Israel, the busy fishing port of Kelibia comes into view. Time to clear in into Tunisia and a few days on land.

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The fortress of Kelibia. Its foundations are from Punic times
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Yes, a tight squeeze to quote pilot book author Graham Hutt: Malaka Queen is the middle of the 3 sailboats moored side by side onto another boat. While those red fishing vessels go out passing with 10cm clearance...
Also, it is interesting to hear that major battles in history where fought here including the fall of Carthago and the defeat of Rommels German army in Africa during the second world war.

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Zembra island, a nature reserve, Unesco bioshere
Tried to anchor at Zembra, but unable to get permission.
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So continue to the mainland to anchor close to the shore in open water, just for the night.
Time to explore Cathago so we have to go into Sidi Bou Said marina
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Sidi Bou Said marina
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Sidi Bou Said is pretty, a bit like a Greek island village

Easy acces to Carthago from Sidi Bou Said, it is just a few kilometers by train.

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Carthago was a true metropole and the capital of the Punic empire, a seafaring nation older than and therefore competitor number one of the Roman empire. After the Romans finally defeated them they distroyed Carthago. Later the Romans realised the strategic importance of it and rebuild it. After them the Bizantines until a big earthquake devastated the city again.

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As planned long ago, now is the time to sail solo again and to say “tot ziens, see you again” Thank you so much dear for everything. We had such wonderfull time. 5 months have already passed since St Helena and now you go to another captain in Italy and you will learn even more about sailing, this time without all that electric gear, while I will do some major maintenance in Kelibia. So bye to Sidi Bou Said for me too and on to Cap Bon for a few days at anchor then back to Kelibia.

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Cap Bon anchorage, like a great canyon