Fellow sailors Jaques and Stephan told me that a member of the Tanga Yacht club organises swimwalks on a regular basis.
Swimwalk, I asked? Just come and experience it. Lets go now, hurry, hurry because the tide will soon be favourable . There are pick-pickies waiting at the corner.
We arrive in Mwambani near the shore and under the guidance of member Sibylle we start the “swimwalk”: First a walk through salt plains and mangroves ( a variety of bushes and trees that grow in salt water) then into the muddy water while swimming and floating through canals lined with mangroves. Her dogs swim as well, they love it! The incoming tide brings us slowly back to the salt plains again and we leave the salty warm water.
A beautifull experience. 5 times for me with various groups! Here is a movie: